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Right- and Left-Handed Fastener Threads: Applications and Comparison

Fasteners are the nuts, bolts, screws, and other small components that maintain the integrity of machinery and components. Numerous fasteners function through the use of threads (left-hand thread and right-hand thread), which allow nuts and bolts to effectively attach together.

But, how do threads operate?


Fastener threads are helices that spiral down the cylindrical surface of parts such as screws and bolts. They are responsible for converting energy into linear and rotational force and motion. Compatible threaded fasteners can provide secure seals for a broad range of equipment.


Right-handed threads run in a clockwise direction, while left-handed threads run counterclockwise. The origin of a thread's handedness is anchored in human physiology. Screws with varying handedness are ergonomic for individuals based on their dominant hand.

The majority of modern screws have right-handed threading, and left-handed threads are rarely used in applications that do not specifically require them. Nonetheless, left-handed fasteners are required for specific applications. Such as automotive, safety, heating and plumbing.

Avlock International is a leading manufacturer and distributor of specialised fastening systems to both the domestic market and other global destinations. For an obligation-free quote or demonstration, contact Avlock today.

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