Multi-grip, aluminium alloy breakstem fasteners with a long and reliable track record, used in a wide range of applications and industries.
Multigrip feature. It allows working with a great variety of grip ranges. With just two sizes a wide grip range of 1 to 16 mm. is covered, reducing thus the rivet inventory.
Single-side access.
Mandrel locking feature, avoiding electric problems or pounding.
Good hole fill. It allows to compensate uneven, misaligned, oversized or grooved drills.
Versatility. Just one size replaces the grip range of several standard items.
Wide bearing areaon the blind side, making it especially suitable to be used for applications with thin sheets and for repairing.
Excellent visual aspect on both sides.
Solid and high quality fastening, resistant to all kinds of vibrations.
It requires simple, fast and lightweight tools.
Avlock International is a leading manufacturer and distributor of specialised fastening systems to both the domestic market and other global destinations. For a no obligation quote and free demonstration, contact Avlock International today.
52 Paul Smit Road │ 011 748 7000 │ query@avlock.co.za │ www.avlock.online
